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artwork by Carol Lee Mei-kuen, edited by Teresa Chan,

contributing articles by Carolyn Carter, Pamela Kember and Frank Vigneron


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Facing Carol Lee’s works is like walking into an unknown sphere of imagination. We see a combination of shape, juxtaposition, colour, rhythm, density and intensity — all creating strong visual sensations. Chinese art critic Carolyn Cartier describes Lee’s work as ‘challenging the relationship between artist, art and viewer.’ Artist Lee explores topics such as childhood memories and personal intimacy relationships, investigating the philosophy of life and the flow of time, expressing her emotions and attachments with the surroundings by playing with light, shadows, found objects and a specific technique called “time painting’, which originated from the principles of photograms — Lee places objects onto newsprint papers under the sun, intending to use the portrayal of light to record the passing of time. Newsprint yellows on the surface as time passes. Patterns of shading and fading are therefore transferred through the objects and ‘projected’ onto the paper. This process produces an astonishing aesthetic effect, creating images described as ‘minimalist, elegant, serious and reflecting’. Threads of Luminosity covers various series of works on paper documenting Lee’s capture of time from the year 2005 until present.


李美娟的作品以時間的累積、光與紙的作用作為新形式,以家屋中的棲居 活動為內容。對生活空間重新認識和發現,在不同時間、不同物件、不同 光影下為家居進行記錄,勾劃家屋的狀態,並對自身存在角色二者的關係 的進行探討。家屋具有凝聚的吸引力,蘊藏著我們在生命活動中的經歷與 痕跡,結集成孤寂私密感受與價值,反映了結構中的運動狀態,也顯露出 自身與女性在當代家庭角式中的多重關係。作品隨時間和光慢慢地在紙上 建構出家居圖像,是時間-空間關係的一種「空間化的時間」,亦是自身 的表白。「走在光年線上」記錄了藝術家的手稿及二零零五年至現在主要作品。

160 pages

Full-colour. Softback with jacket

Five cover designs

265 mm (H) x 200 mm (W) 

Bilingual (English & Chinese)

ISBN 978-988-18584-3-6



US$34 (online purchase)

© 2018 mccmcreations

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